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Meaning of GET BACK

Pronunciation:  get bak

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  get one's revenge for a wrong or an injury; "I finally settled with my old enemy"
  2. [v]  recover something or somebody that appeared to be lost; "We got back the money after we threatened to sue the company"; "He got back his son from the kidnappers"
  3. [v]  take revenge or even out a score; "I cannot accept the defeat--I want to get even"
  4. [v]  come back to place where one has been before, or return to a previous activity
 Synonyms: come back, get even, go back, return, settle, win back
 See Also: acquire, avenge, backtrack, boomerang, bounce, cut back, double back, fight, fix, flash back, get, go, go home, head home, home, locomote, move, pay back, pay off, retaliate, retrace, revenge, revisit, rise, struggle, trace, travel, turn back, uprise



Products Dictionary

Get Back
This account of the Beatles` Get Back sessions is a must have for all Beatlemaniacs. Doug Sulpy, the author of the critically acclaimed 910`S GUIDE TO THE BEATLES OUTTAKES, claims to have painstakingly threshed through hundreds of hours of tape to render this moody portrait of the band. Glimpses into the studios reveal the Fab Four engaged in the grueling processes of creating their LET IT BE album and film during the fateful winter of 1969. Yoko Ono is portrayed as manipulator of spaced-out John, George as irritated by John`s rejections of his song suggestions, Ringo as somberly silent, and Paul as anxious to wrap things up. Fans who wonder why the Beatles broke UP will find some answers here.

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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: ransom, recapture, reclaim, recoup, recover, recruit, recuperate, redeem, regain, renovate, reoccupy, replevin, replevy, repossess, restore, resume, retake, retrieve, revindicate, revive, take back