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Meaning of FREELY

Pronunciation:  'freelee

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [adv]  in a free manner; "the painting featured freely brushed strokes"
Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Free"ly\, adv. [AS. fre['o]lice.]
In a free manner; without restraint or compulsion;
abundantly; gratuitously.
      Of every tree of the garden thou mayst freely eat.
                                               --Gen. ii. 16.
      Freely ye have received, freely give.    --Matt. x. 8.
      Freely they stood who stood, and fell who fell.
      Freely we serve Because we freely love.  --Milton.
Syn: Independently; voluntarily; spontaneously;
     unconditionally; unobstructedly; willingly; readily;
     liberally; generously; bounteously; munificently;
     bountifully; abundantly; largely; copiously;
     plentifully; plenteously.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abundantly, amply, bigheartedly, bounteously, bountifully, by choice, candidly, cleanly, easily, electively, frankly, free, freehandedly, freeheartedly, generously, graciously, gratuitously, greatheartedly, handsomely, hospitably, independently, largeheartedly, lavishly, liberally, munificently, openhandedly, openheartedly, openly, optionally, outright, plainly, plentifully, profusely, readily, smoothly, spontaneously, unceremoniously, unconstrainedly, ungrudgingly, unreservedly, unrestrainedly, unselfishly, unsparingly, unstintingly, voluntarily, willfully, willingly, with abandon, with both hands, with open hands, without coercion, without reserve, without restraint, without stint