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Meaning of CYCLORAMA

Pronunciation:  `sIklu'ramu

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a picture (or series of pictures) representing a continuous scene
 Synonyms: diorama, panorama
 See Also: icon, ikon, image, picture



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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Cy`clo*ra"ma\ (s?`kl?-r?"m? or -r?"m?), n. [Cyclo- +
Gr. "o`rama sight, spectacle.]
A pictorial view which is extended circularly, so that the
spectator is surrounded by the objects represented as by
things in nature. The realistic effect is increased by
putting, in the space between the spectator and the picture,
things adapted to the scene represented, and in some places
only parts of these objects, the completion of them being
carried out pictorially.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abstract, abstraction, act drop, altarpiece, asbestos, asbestos board, backdrop, batten, block print, border, cloth, collage, color print, copy, cosmorama, coulisse, counterweight, curtain, curtain board, daub, decor, diorama, diptych, display, drop, drop curtain, engraving, exhibit, exhibition, exposition, fire curtain, flat, flipper, fresco, georama, hanging, icon, illumination, illustration, image, light show, likeness, miniature, montage, mosaic, mural, myriorama, pageant, pageantry, panorama, parade, phantasmagoria, photograph, picture, pomp, presentation, print, psychedelic show, rag, representation, reproduction, scene, scenery, screen, shifting scene, show, side scene, sight, spectacle, stage screw, stage show, stained glass window, stencil, still life, tab, tableau, tableau vivant, tapestry, teaser, tormentor, transformation, transformation scene, triptych, wall painting, wing, wingcut, woodcut