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Meaning of CLEANER

Pronunciation:  'kleenur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a preparation used in cleaning something
  2. [n]  someone whose occupation is cleaning
  3. [n]  the operator of dry-cleaning establishment
 Synonyms: cleanser, cleansing agent, dry cleaner
 See Also: bathroom cleaner, char, charwoman, chimneysweep, chimneysweeper, cleaning lady, cleaning woman, dentifrice, detergent, formulation, jack, laborer, labourer, manual laborer, market keeper, preparation, scourer, shampoo, shopkeeper, soap, storekeeper, street cleaner, street sweeper, sweep, tradesman, window cleaner, woman



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Clean"er\, n.
One who, or that which, cleans.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abstergent, cathartic, char, charwoman, cleaner-off, cleaner-up, cleaning agent, cleaning lady, cleaning man, cleaning solvent, cleaning woman, cleanser, cleansing cream, cold cream, cream, custodian, dentifrice, depurant, detergent, diuretic, emetic, enema, holystone, janitor, janitress, lotion, mouthwash, nauseant, pumice stone, purgative, purge, purifier, rinse, shampoo, soap, solvent, synthetic detergent, tooth powder, toothpaste, wash