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Meaning of CLARION

Pronunciation:  'klareeun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a medieval brass instrument with a clear shrill tone
  2. [adj]  loud and clear; "a clarion call"
  3. [v]  proclaim on, or as if on, a clarion
  4. [v]  blow the clarion
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 Synonyms: loud
 See Also: brass, exclaim, play, proclaim, promulgate



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Clar"i*on\, n. [OE. clarioun, OF. clarion, F. clairon,
LL. clario, claro; so called from its clear tone, fr. L.
clarus clear. See {Clear}.]
A kind of trumpet, whose note is clear and shrill.
      He sounds his imperial clarion along the whole line of
      battle.                                  --E. Everett.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: alpenhorn, alphorn, althorn, alto horn, bagpipe, ballad horn, baritone, bass horn, bassoon, bay, beep, bell, blare, blast, blat, block flute, blow, blow a horn, blow the horn, bombard, bourdon, brass choir, brass wind, brasses, brass-wind instrument, bray, bugle, bugle call, bugle horn, call to arms, call-up, carillon, catchword, cello, claribel, clarinet, clarion call, clear, cloudless, concert flute, conscription, cornet, cornet-a-pistons, corno di caccia, cornopean, cromorna, cymbel, diapason, doodle, double-bell euphonium, double-tongue, dulciana, English horn, euphonium, exhortation, fife, fine, flute, flute stop, foundation stop, fourniture, gamba, gedeckt, gemshorn, go for broke, gung ho, harmonic flute, helicon, honk, horn, hunting horn, hybrid stop, key trumpet, koppel flute, larigot, levy, lip, lituus, lur, mellophone, melodia, mixture, mobilization, muster, mutation stop, nazard, oboe, octave, ophicleide, orchestral horn, organ stop, peal, piccolo, pipe, pleasant, plein jeu, pocket trumpet, posaune, post horn, principal, quint, quintaten, rainless, rally, rallying cry, rank, ranket, rebel yell, recruitment, reed stop, register, rohr flute, sackbut, saxhorn, saxtuba, serpent, sesquialtera, shawm, shriek, slide trombone, sliphorn, slogan, sound, sound a tattoo, sound taps, sousaphone, spitz flute, squeal, stop, stopped diapason, stopped flute, string diapason, string stop, sunny, sunshiny, tenor tuba, tierce, tongue, toot, tootle, tremolo, triple-tongue, tromba, trombone, trumpet, trumpet call, tuba, tweedle, twelfth, unclouded, unda maris, undarkened, valve trombone, valve trumpet, vibrato, viola, voix celeste, vox angelica, vox humana, war cry, war whoop, watchword, whistle, wind, wind the horn