Welcome to our online dictionary. The new databases are online. There is still
work to be done, but the website is functional and the word definitions are available.
We are currently working on adding a spell checker for search terms. We thank
everyone who submitted their feedback to us and encourage our users to continue
to provide us with suggestions.
March 14, 2025
Following requests from many of our users and followers, we've now added a casino section to the site. The idea behind this section is to educate readers on the casino industry as well as regulations in various gambling markets. We've also written articles on popular casino promotions, such as free spins offers.
January 22, 2004
Thanks to all the people who are submitting their feedback to us. We appreciate your comments and suggestions. We are going to resume work on the dictionary and over the next month or so you will notice some major improvements including giving the users the ability to change definitions and add their own new ones. We also will be adding new informational and useful websites similar to Hyperdictionary. The one we are working on now is City Reference, which is a guide to various cities worldwide. The website's data is currently public domain, but we will have hired an editor who will be enhancing it significantly.
We are also working on a products dictionary. More to come.
August 26, 2003
Hyperdictionary was upgraded yesterday to significantly improve the website's
performance. This was necessary due to the high traffic we have been experiencing
lately, causing the response time to exceed 5-10 seconds during some peak periods.
We are also pleased to mention that we have been mentioned on the BBC World's
Click Online report and in the "The Australian" newspaper. Many thanks
to all the users who have pointed this out to us.
July 23, 2003
The dictionary search box is now available for webmasters
to use. You can easily add this search box to any of your web pages and instantly
have dictionary term definitions right on your website. Try it out.
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