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Meaning of LEDGE

Pronunciation:  lej

Matching Terms:  ledgeman, Ledgement, ledger, ledger board, ledger entry, ledger line, ledger paper, Ledgment, Ledgy

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are standing on a ledge indicates that you are feeling tense, anxious and/or excited. Consider what direction you are looking? Up? Down? Straight Ahead? The direction to which you are looking relates to your viewpoint, whether it be an optimistic one, pessimistic one or realistic one. On a more positive note, this dream may signify a sense of freedom and liberation. Dreaming that someone is standing on a ledge indicates a sign of desperation and a cry for help.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: band, bank, beam-end, bed, bedding, belt, billiard table, board, border, bordure, bowling green, brim, brink, brow, coast, coral heads, corbel, couche, course, dead flat, dead level, deck, earth, edge, esplanade, featheredge, flange, flat, flatland, floor, frame, fringe, gallery, gradin, gradino, ground, hem, hob, homaloid, horizontal, horizontal axis, horizontal fault, horizontal line, horizontal parallax, horizontal plane, horizontal projection, ironbound coast, labellum, labium, labrum, layer, ledges, lee shore, level, level line, level plane, limb, limbus, lip, list, mantel, mantelshelf, mantle, marge, margin, mean sea level, measures, overhang, overlayer, overstory, parterre, pitfall, plain, plane, platform, prairie, predella, projection, quicksands, ragged edge, retable, rim, rockbound coast, rocks, sandbank, sandbar, sands, sea level, sea of grass, seam, selvage, shallows, shelf, shoals, shore, shoulder, side, sideline, sill, skirt, stage, step, steppe, story, stratum, substratum, superaltar, superstratum, table, terrace, thickness, tier, topsoil, undercurrent, underlayer, understory, understratum, undertow, verge, water level, zone