Meaning of HEAVY
Pronunciation: | | 'hevee
Matching Terms: | | heave, Heave offering, heave up, Heaven, Heavenize, Heavenliness, Heavenly, heavenly body, Heavenly City, Heavenly Jewel, Heavenlyminded, heavens, heaven-sent, heavenward, heavenwardly, heavenwards, Heaver, Heaves, heavier-than-air craft, heavily, heavily traveled, Heaviness, heaving, Heaviside, Heaviside layer, Heavisome, heavy chain, heavy cream, heavy hitter, heavy hydrogen, heavy lifting, heavy metal, heavy particle, heavy spar, heavy strand, heavy swell, heavy water, heavy weapon, heavy wizardry, heavy(a), heavy(p), heavy-armed, heavy-coated, heavy-duty, heavy-footed, Heavy-haded, heavy-handed, Heavy-headed, heavyhearted, heavyheartedness, heavy-laden, heavyset, heavyweight
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Dreaming that something is too heavy, symbolizes your burdens, work load and responsibilities. You are carry too much on your shoulders and need to prioritize. Take a break and lighten up. |
| Websites: | | |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abeyant, abstruse, abundant, accented, ace-high, actor, actress, acute, adamantine, adhesive, aesthetic, aesthetically appealing, alveolar, ample, amylaceous, anesthetized, annoying, antagonist, anticipating, antihero, apathetic, apical, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, arcane, arduous, arid, articulated, assimilated, attractive, awe-inspiring, awful, awkward, back, backbreaking, bad, bad guy, bang-up, baritone, barnstormer, barren, barytone, bass, beauteous, beautiful, benumbed, besetting, big, big with child, big-laden, bilabial, bit, bit part, blah, blank, blase, bleak, blimp, bloodless, blunt, blunt-witted, bombastic, bonzer, bored, boring, boss, bothersome, breeding, broad, broad-bodied, bulky, bullnecked, bully, burdened, burdensome, burdensomely, buskined, but good, cacuminal, carrying, carrying a fetus, cast, castellatus, cataleptic, catatonic, central, cerebral, character, character actor, character man, character woman, characterless, checked, cheerless, child actor, chubby, cirrose, cirrous, clabbered, clammy, close, close-knit, close-textured, close-woven, clotted, clouded, cloud-flecked, cloudy, clumsy, coagulated, coarse, cold, colorless, comatose, compact, compacted, complex, comprehensive, compressed, concentrated, concrete, condensed, congested, consequential, considerable, consolidated, consonant, consonantal, continuant, contralto, cool, copious, corking, corpulent, cothurned, crackerjack, crammed, crammed full, cramped, crass, crestfallen, critical, crowded, crucial, crushing, cue, cumbersome, cumbersomely, cumbrous, cumuliform, cumulous, curdled, dandy, dark, dead, debilitated, deep, deep-echoing, deepmouthed, deep-pitched, deep-toned, dejected, delicious, dense, dental, depressed, depressing, despondent, difficult, dim, dim-witted, dirty, disconsolate, diseur, diseuse, dismal, dissimilated, distressful, distressing, doped, dopey, dormant, dorsal, doughy, downcast, downhearted, dozy, draggy, dramatizer, dreamy, drearisome, dreary, droopy, drowsy, drugged, drugged with sleep, dry, dryasdust, ducky, dull, dull of mind, dull-headed, dull-pated, dull-witted, durable, dusty, earnest, effete, effortful, elegant, elephantine, empty, encumbered, endowed with beauty, enduring, enervated, esoteric, etiolated, exanimate, excessive, exhausting, exhaustive, expectant, expecting, exquisite, exuberant, eye-filling, fab, fade, fat, fat part, fatal, fateful, fatty, fat-witted, feeder, fine, fine and dandy, firm, flat, fleshy, flourishing, flowerlike, foil, forced, forceful, formal, formidable, foul, front, full, full-bodied, gaumy, gear, gelatinous, gestating, glairy, glide, gloomy, glossal, glottal, gluelike, gluey, glutenous, glutinose, glutinous, gone, gooey, graceful, gracile, grand, grave, gravid, great, grey, grieving, grievous, grinding, groggy, groovy, gross, gross-headed, grueling, grumous, guinde, gumbo, gumbolike, gumlike, gummous, gummy, guttural, half asleep, halting, handsome, hard, hard-earned, hard-fought, harsh, heavily, heavy with child, heavy with sleep, heavy-eyed, heavyhearted, heavyset, heavyweight, hebetudinous, hefty, Herculean, hermetic, hero, heroine, high, hippo, histrio, histrion, ho-hum, hollow, hot, hunky-dory, impenetrable, impermeable, important, imposing, in a stupor, in abeyance, in suspense, inactive, inane, inanimate, incomprehensible, inert, inexcitable, ingenue, inkhorn, insipid, inspissated, insupportable, intense, intolerable, intonated, irksome, irresistible, jaded, jammed, jam-packed, jam-up, jejune, jelled, jellied, jellylike, jungled, jungly, just dandy, juvenile, keen, killing, knocked up, labial, labiodental, labiovelar, labored, laborious, lackadaisical, laden, laden with sorrow, languid, languorous, lasting, latent, lateral, Latinate, lax, lead, lead role, leaden, leadenly, leading lady, leading man, leading woman, lenticularis, lethargic, lifeless, light, lines, lingual, liquid, listless, loaded, logy, long-faced, lovely, low, lowering, low-pitched, low-spirited, lumbering, lump, lumpish, lush, luxuriant, main, mammatus, marvy, massive, massy, matinee idol, maximum, mean, melancholy, mid, mighty, mime, mimer, mimic, miserable, monologist, monophthongal, monotonous, moribund, morose, mucilaginous, mummer, muted, napping, narcoleptic, narcose, narcotized, narcous, narrow, nasal, nasalized, neat, nebulous, nifty, nimbose, nobby, nodding, nonporous, nubilous, numb, obese, obtuse, occlusive, occult, OK, okay, onerous, onerously, open, operose, oppressed, oppressive, oscitant, out of it, out of sight, overburdensome, overcast, overclouded, overflowing, overgrown, overloaded, overrun, overweight, oxytone, packed, painful, palatal, palatalized, pale, pallid, pantomime, pantomimist, part, parturient, passive, pasty, paunchy, peachy, peachy-keen, pedestrian, person, personage, pharyngeal, pharyngealized, phlegmatic, phonemic, phonetic, phonic, piece, pitch, pitched, plaguey, playactor, player, plenary, plodding, plump, pointless, poky, pompous, ponderous, ponderously, pooped, portentous, portly, posttonic, potbelly, powerful, preggers, pregnant, pretty, prodigious, profound, profuse, prosaic, protagonist, protean actor, pulchritudinous, punishing, rank, reciter, recondite, rich, riotous, ripping, role, roly-poly, ropy, Roscius, rounded, rugged, rum, sad, sad of heart, saddened, sad-eyed, sad-faced, sadhearted, sated, scrumptious, secret, sedated, sedentary, semivowel, sepulchral, serious, serried, sesquipedalian, severe, side, slabby, slack, slap-up, sleep-drowned, sleep-drunk, sleep-filled, sleepful, sleeping, sleep-swollen, sleepy, slimy, slithery, slow, slow-witted, sluggish, slumbering, slumberous, slumbery, smashing, smoldering, snoozy, sober, soft, solemn, solid, something else, somnolent, sonant, soporific, sore, sorrowful, soubrette, sound, spiffing, spiffy, spiritless, squally, stable, stage performer, stage player, stagnant, stagnating, staid, standing, starchy, static, steady, sterile, sticky, stiff, stifling, stilted, stodgy, stooge, stopped, stormy, stout, straight man, straight part, strained, stratiform, stratous, strenuous, stressed, stretchy, stringy, stroller, strolling player, strong, stuffy, stultified, stultifying, stunning, stupid, stuporose, stuporous, sturdy, substantial, superfetate, superficial, superimpregnated, supine, supporting character, supporting role, surd, suspended, swagbelly, swell, syllabic, syrupy, tacky, tame, tasteless, tedious, teeming, tenacious, tense, theatrical, thespian, thick, thick-bodied, thick-brained, thickened, thick-growing, thick-headed, thick-pated, thickset, thickskulled, thick-witted, threatening, three-dimensional, throaty, thunderheaded, title role, toilsome, tonal, tonic, torpid, torrential, total, tough, tragic, tremelloid, tremellose, troublesome, trouper, trying, tub, tub of lard, tubby, tun, turgid, twangy, tyrannous, unaccented, unaroused, unbearable, unfathomable, ungraceful, unhandy, unhappy, uninteresting, unlively, unmanageable, unrounded, unstressed, unsupportable, unweeded, unwieldy, unyielding, uphill, upsetting, utility man, vapid, vegetable, vegetative, velar, vexatious, villain, violent, viscid, viscose, viscous, vocalic, vocoid, voiced, voiceless, vowel, vowellike, walking part, walk-on, wan, weak, wearing, wearisome, weary, wearying, weed-choked, weed-ridden, weedy, weighed upon, weighted down, weightily, weighty, well-built, well-constructed, well-founded, well-grounded, well-made, wide, with child, wizard, wooden, world-weary, yawning, yawny |