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Meaning of FIEND

Pronunciation:  feend

Matching Terms:  Fiendful, fiendish, fiendishly, Fiendlike, Fiendly

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a fiend in your dream means reckless living, loose morals and a blackened reputation.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: acidhead, addict, aficionado, afreet, alcoholic, ape-man, Apollyon, Baba Yaga, barghest, beast, Beelzebub, beldam, berserk, berserker, bigot, bomber, brute, buff, bug, cacodemon, chain smoker, cocaine sniffer, cokie, collector, cubehead, daeva, demon, devil, devil incarnate, devotee, diablo, dipsomaniac, dope fiend, doper, dragon, drug abuser, drug addict, drug user, drunkard, dybbuk, eager beaver, energumen, enthusiast, evil genius, evil spirit, faddist, fan, fanatic, fiend from hell, firebrand, fire-eater, follower, freak, fury, genie, genius, ghoul, glue sniffer, goon, gorilla, great one for, gunsel, gyre, habitual, hardnose, harpy, head, heavy smoker, hellcat, hellhound, hellion, hellkite, hell-raiser, hobbyist, holy terror, hood, hoodlum, hophead, hothead, hotspur, hound, hype, incendiary, incubus, infatuate, jinni, jinniyeh, junkie, killer, lamia, Lilith, LSD user, Lucifer, mad dog, madcap, Mafioso, maniac, marijuana smoker, methhead, monster, mugger, narcotics addict, nut, ogre, ogress, Old Nick, Old Scratch, pillhead, pothead, pursuer, rakshasa, rapist, revolutionary, rhapsodist, Satan, savage, serpent, shedu, she-wolf, snowbird, speed freak, spitfire, succubus, sucker for, termagant, terror, terrorist, the undead, tiger, tigress, tough, tough guy, tripper, ugly customer, user, vampire, violent, virago, visionary, vixen, werewolf, wild beast, witch, wolf, yogini, Young Turk, zealot