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Meaning of CRUISE

Pronunciation:  krooz

Matching Terms:  cruise control, cruise liner, cruise missile, cruise ship, cruiser, cruiserweight

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are on a cruise, represents some emotional journey that you are going through. The dream may also be a pun on "cruising" through situations in your life with ease and little effort.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aeroplane, airlift, airplane, balloon, be airborne, boat, campaign, canoe, carry sail, circumnavigate, coast, course, cross, crossing, drift, fare, ferry, flit, fly, glide, globe-trot, go abroad, go by ship, go on safari, go on shipboard, go overseas, go to sea, hit the trail, hop, hover, hydroplane, jaunt, jet, journey, leg, make a journey, make a passage, make a pilgrimage, make a trip, motorboat, navigate, ocean trip, passage, peregrinate, pilgrim, pilgrimage, ply, range the world, row, rubberneck, run, sail, sail round, sail the sea, sailplane, scull, sea trip, seafare, seaplane, shakedown cruise, sight-see, soar, steam, steamboat, take a trip, take a voyage, take the air, take the road, take wing, tour, travel, traverse, trek, volplane, voyage, wayfare, wing, yacht