Meaning of COURT
Pronunciation: | | kowrt
Matching Terms: | | courage, courageous, Courageously, courageousness, Courant, Couranto, Courap, Courb, courbaril, courbaril copal, Courbet, Courche, coureur de bois, courgette, Courier, courlan, course, Course Author Language, course catalog, course catalogue, course credit, course of action, course of instruction, course of lectures, course of study, course session, Coursed, courser, Courses, courseware, coursework, Coursewriter III, Coursey, coursing, court card, Court costs, court favor, court favour, court game, court of appeals, court of assize, court of assize and nisi prius, court of chancery, Court of original jurisdiction, Court of Saint James's, court order, court plaster, Court rules, court tennis, Court-baron, Courtbred, Court-craft, Court-cupboard, Courtehouse, Courtelle, courteous, Courteously, Courteousness, Courtepy, Courter, courtesan, Courtesanship, Courtesy, courthouse, Courtier, Courtiery, courting, Court-leet, Courtlike, courtliness, Courtling, courtly, courtly love, Court-martial, Court-plaster, courtroom, Courtship, courtyard
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Dreaming that you are in court standing up for charges against you, means your struggle with issues of fear and guilt. A situation or circumstance in your life is giving your much distress and worry. You may feel that you are being judged in some way. |
| Websites: | | |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | access, act up to, address, addresses, advisory body, agree to anything, alley, alleyway, allure, amorous pursuit, angle for, approach, archery ground, arena, arterial, arterial highway, arterial street, artery, assembly, association, athletic field, attendance, attendant, attract, Autobahn, autoroute, autostrada, avenue, bad influence, badminton court, bar, baseball field, basketball court, beak, beau, belt highway, bench, bicameral legislature, bid for, big wheel, billiard parlor, blind alley, board, board of aldermen, body of advisers, body of retainers, borough council, boulevard, bowling alley, bowling green, brain trust, break the ice, British Cabinet, brown-nose, bypass, byway, cabinet, camarilla, camino real, canvass, captivate, carriageway, castle, causeway, causey, chamber, chamber of deputies, charm, chase, chaussee, cincture, circumferential, city board, city council, close, cohort, commission, common council, conference, confine, congress, consultative assembly, container, coop, corduroy road, cortege, council, council fire, council of ministers, council of state, council of war, county council, county road, course, court of arbitration, court of justice, court of law, courthouse, courting, courtroom, courtyard, crescent, cricket ground, croquet ground, croquet lawn, cul-de-sac, cultivate, curry favor, curtilage, dance attendance on, dead-end street, deliberative assembly, delimited field, diamond, diet, dike, directory, dirt road, divan, dock, drive, driveway, eminence grise, enclave, enclosure, entourage, esquire, expressway, fairway, fall over, fawn upon, federal assembly, field, fish for, five-percenter, fold, follow, follower, following, football field, freeway, friend at court, gallantry, general assembly, glaciarium, golf course, golf links, good influence, gravel road, gray eminence, gridiron, ground, gym, gymnasium, heavyweight, hidden hand, highroad, highway, highways and byways, house of assembly, ice rink, infield, influence, influence peddler, influencer, ingroup, interstate highway, judgment, judicatory, judicature, judicial process, judiciary, junta, jury box, justice, key, kingmaker, kitchen cabinet, lane, law court, lay siege to, legal tribunal, legislative assembly, legislative body, legislative chamber, legislature, links, list, lobby, lobbyist, local road, look for, lords of creation, lower chamber, lower house, magistrate, main drag, main road, make advances, make court to, make suit to, make up to, man of influence, manipulator, mansion, mews, motorway, national assembly, open sesame, outfield, oval, palace, palais, palatial residence, palazzo, pale, paling, parasite, parish council, park, parkway, parliament, pave, paved road, pay addresses to, pay attention to, pay court to, pen, pike, place, plank road, play up to, playground, playing field, playroom, polish the apple, polo ground, pool hall, poolroom, pop the question, powers that be, pressure group, primary highway, private road, privy council, provincial legislature, provincial parliament, pursue, putting green, quad, quadrangle, racecourse, racket court, Rasputin, representative town meeting, retinue, right-of-way, ring road, rink, road, roadbed, roadway, rout, route nationale, row, royal road, run after, Sanhedrin, satellite, secondary road, seek, serenade, shine up to, sinister influence, skating rink, soccer field, solicit, soviet, spark, special interests, special-interest group, speedway, square, squash court, squire, staff, state assembly, state highway, state legislature, street, stretch, suck up to, sue, sue for, suing, suit, suite, superhighway, Svengali, swain, sweetheart, syndicate, synod, tennis court, terrace, the courts, the Establishment, theater, thoroughfare, through street, thruway, toft, toll road, tower, town hall, town house, town meeting, township road, track, train, tribunal, turf, turnpike, unicameral legislature, upper chamber, upper house, US Cabinet, US highway, very important person, villa, VIP, wheeler-dealer, wire-puller, witness box, witness stand, woo, wooing, wynd, yard |