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Meaning of COLLEGE

Pronunciation:  'kâlij

Matching Terms:  Collegatary, college boy, college girl, college level, college man, college student, collegial, collegian, collegiate, collegiate dictionary

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are in college indicates that you are going through some social or cultural changes. You may be wanting to expand your knowledge and awareness. It also suggest that now is a good time for you to experiment and try new things. If you had gone to college in your past, then also consider your personal experiences and memories of your college days. However, if you are currently in college, then it may be a reflection of your current surroundings. It may also represent stress.
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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: academe, academia, alliance, alma mater, assemblage, association, axis, band, bloc, body, Bund, caboose, can, chokey, coalition, college of engineering, combination, combine, common market, community college, confederacy, confederation, consumer cooperative, cooperative, cooperative society, corps, council, credit union, customs union, degree-granting institution, economic community, federation, four-year college, free trade area, gang, graduate school, group, grouping, hoosegow, institute of technology, ivied halls, journalism school, jug, junior college, law school, league, lockup, machine, medical school, mob, multiversity, normal, normal school, partnership, political machine, postgraduate school, prison, ring, Rochdale cooperative, rock pile, school of communications, school of education, society, stir, two-year college, union, university, university college, varsity