Meaning of CHASE
Pronunciation: | | cheys
Matching Terms: | | Chasable, chase after, chase away, chase pointers, chased, chaser, Chasible, Chasid, Chasidim, Chasing, Chasm, Chasmed, chasmogamy, Chasmy, Chasse, Chasse-caf'e, Chasselas, Chasse-mar'ee, Chassepot, Chasseur, Chassid, Chassidim, chassis, Chast, chaste, Chastely, Chasten, chastened, Chastener, chasteness, chastening, Chastisable, Chastise, chastised, chastisement, Chastiser, Chastity, Chasuble
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Dreaming that you are being chased means that you are avoiding a situation that you do not think is conquerable. It is often a metaphor for some form of insecurity. In particular, to dream that you are chased by an animal, represents your own unexpressed and unacknowledged anger which is being projected onto that animal. Alternatively, you may be running away from a primal urge or fear.
Dreaming that you are chasing someone means that you are attempting to overcome a difficult goal or task. You may also be expressing some aggressive feelings toward others. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | address, afforestation, arboretum, assemble, beat, beat back, beau, bedog, bezel, boil, bolt, boondocks, boot out, boss, brush off, bundle, bush, bushveld, bustle, career, carve, cast, chamfer, charge, chase away, chase off, chase out, chevy, chink, chisel, chivy, chuck, climax forest, cloud forest, come after, come behind, corrugation, course, coursing, court, crack, cranny, crowd, cut, cynegetics, dado, dash, dash off, dash on, dendrology, Derby, dismiss, dog, dogging, double-time, drive, drive away, drive back, drive off, drive out, drum out, eject, emboss, engrave, engraving, esquire, evict, extrude, falcon, falconry, fend off, festinate, flat race, fling, flush, flute, fluting, follow, follow the hounds, follow up, following, follow-up, force out, forest, forest land, forest preserve, forestry, found, fowl, fox hunting, freeze out, fringing forest, furrow, gallery forest, gash, get going, get moving, give chase, go after, go behind, go hunting, gouge, grave, greenwood, groove, gun, gunning, handicap, handicap race, hanger, harness race, harry out, hasten, hawk, hawking, heel, hold off, hollo after, horse race, hound, hue and cry, hunt, hunt down, hunt out, hunting, hurdle race, hurry, hurry on, hurry through, hurry up, hurry-scurry, hustle, incision, index forest, insculpture, jack, jacklight, jungle, jungles, keep off, Kentucky Derby, kick out, lash, lay siege to, leap, lose no time, make after, make haste, make suit to, microgroove, model, mold, move behind, move quickly, national forest, out, pack off, palmetto barrens, park, park forest, pay attention to, pay court to, pine barrens, plate race, plunge, post, Preakness Stakes, press on, prey, primeval forest, prosecute, prosecution, protection forest, prowl after, purse race, pursuance, pursue, pursuing, pursuit, push back, push on, push out, put back, put to flight, quarry, quarter-horse race, quest, quest after, rabbet, race, rain forest, raise, raise the hunt, rebuff, reforestation, refuse, repel, repulse, ride to hounds, ridge, rifling, rout, rout out, ruck, run, run after, run out, rush, rush through, rut, scamper, score, scramble, scratch, scrub, scrubland, sculp, sculpt, sculpture, scurry, scuttle, search, searching, seek, seek out, seeking, selection forest, send away, send off, send packing, serenade, shadow, shadowing, shikar, shoot, shooting, shrubland, silviculture, slit, smoke out, snub, solder, spark, speed, sport, sporting, sprout forest, spurn, spurt, squire, stake, stake race, stalk, stalking, stand of timber, start, state forest, steeplechase, still hunt, still-hunt, streak, stria, striation, string along, sue, sulcation, sulcus, swain, sweep, sweepstake, sweepstakes, sweetheart, tag, tag after, tag along, tail, tailgate, take out after, tear, throw out, thrust back, timber, timberland, track, tracking, tracking down, trail, trail after, trailing, tread close upon, tree veld, trotting race, turn back, venery, virgin forest, ward off, weld, well-worn groove, wildwood, woo, wood, woodland, woods, wrinkle |