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Meaning of CANNON

Pronunciation:  'kanun

Matching Terms:  cannon ball, Cannon bone, cannon cracker, cannon fire, cannon fodder, Cannonade, cannonball, cannonball along, Cannoned, Cannoneer, Cannonering, Cannonry, Cannot

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a cannon in your dream, suggests that there is something drastic that needs to be done immediately.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aim at, appulse, artillery, backfire, backlash, bang, bang into, barrage, battery, blast, blitz, bombard, boomerang, bounce, bounce back, bound, bound back, bowshot, brunt, bulldozing, bullet, bulling, bump, bump into, cannon off, cannonade, cannonry, carambole, carom, carom into, clash, coast artillery, collide, collision, come into collision, commence firing, concuss, concussion, confront each other, crack up, crack-up, crash, crash into, crump, crunch, cutpurse, dash into, detonation, dip, discharge, diver, ejection, encounter, enfilade, fall foul of, field artillery, fire a volley, fire at, fire upon, flak, fly back, foul, fusillade, gun, gunfire, gunshot, hammering, have repercussions, heavy field artillery, hit, hit against, hurt, hurtle, impact, impinge, impingement, kick, kick back, knock, knock against, lash back, mauling, meet, meeting, mortar, onslaught, open fire, open up on, ordnance, pepper, percuss, percussion, pop at, potshot, rake, ramming, rebound, recalcitrate, recoil, repercuss, resile, ricochet, run into, salvo, shell, shock, shoot, shoot at, shot, sideswipe, siege artillery, siege engine, slam into, sledgehammering, smack into, smash, smash into, smash up, smashing, smash-up, snap back, snipe, snipe at, spray, spring, spring back, stoneshot, strafe, strike, strike against, take aim at, tattoo, thrusting, torpedo, trench artillery, volley, whomp, wire, zero in on