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Meaning of BADGE

Pronunciation:  baj

Matching Terms:  Badgeless, Badger, badger dog, Badger game, badger skunk, Badger State, badgerer, badgering, Badger-legged

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming of or flash a badge, represents your position of stature, honor and status. You regard yourself highly.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accolade, armory, aroma, attribute, aviation badge, award, badge of office, badges, banner, bar, baton, bays, blazonry, brand, brassard, button, cachet, calligram, calling card, cap and gown, card, cast, chain, chain of office, character, characteristic, chevron, chicken, class ring, cockade, collar, configuration, countermark, countersign, credentials, cross, cut, decoration, device, differentia, differential, distinction, distinctive feature, dog tag, dress, eagle, earmark, emblem, emblems, ensigns, epaulet, fasces, feature, figure, figurehead, flavor, fleur-de-lis, gust, hallmark, hammer and sickle, hash mark, heraldry, Hershey bar, ID card, identification, identification badge, identification tag, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, image, impress, impression, index, indicant, indicator, individualism, initials, insignia, insignia of branch, keynote, kudos, lapel pin, laurels, letter of introduction, lineaments, livery, mace, mannerism, mantle, mark, marking, markings, measure, medal, mold, monogram, mortarboard, nature, note, oak leaf, odor, old school tie, organization insignia, overseas bar, parachute badge, particularity, patch, peculiarity, picture, pin, pip, press card, property, quality, quirk, regalia, representation, representative, ring, rose, savor, school ring, seal, serial number, service stripe, shamrock, shape, shoulder patch, shoulder sleeve insignia, sigil, sigillography, sign, signal, signature, singularity, skull and crossbones, smack, specialty, sphragistics, spread eagle, staff, stamp, star, stripe, submarine badge, sure sign, swastika, symptom, taint, tang, tartan, taste, telltale sign, tessera, thistle, tie, token, trait, trick, uniform, verge, visiting card, wand