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Pronunciation:  'fili`stIn, 'filu`steen

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a non-Semitic inhabitant of ancient Philistia
  2. [n]  a person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits
  3. [adj]  smug and ignorant and indifferent or hostile to artistic and cultural values
 Synonyms: anti-intellectual, lowbrow, nonintellectual
 See Also: denizen, dweller, inhabitant, pleb, plebeian



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Phi*lis"tine\, n. [L. Philistinus, Heb.
    Phlishth[=i], pl. Phlishth[=i]m.]
    1. A native or an inhabitant of ancient Philistia, a coast
       region of southern Palestine.
    2. A bailiff. [Cant, Eng.] [Obs.] --Swift.
    3. A person deficient in liberal culture and refinement; one
       without appreciation of the nobler aspirations and
       sentiments of humanity; one whose scope is limited to
       selfish and material interests. [Recent] --M. Arnold.
  2. \Phi*lis"tine\, a.
    1. Of or pertaining to the Philistines.
    2. Uncultured; commonplace.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: anal character, arriviste, Babbitt, Babbittish, barbarian, barbarous, Boeotian, boob, bookless, boor, boorish, boring, bounder, bourgeois, burgher, cad, callous, calloused, campy, capitalist, carnal, carnal-minded, case-hardened, churl, clown, commercial, common, commonplace, compulsive character, conformer, conformist, conventionalist, crass, deceived, dull, earthly, earthy, epicier, flinty, formalist, functionally illiterate, general, Gothic, grammarless, groundling, guttersnipe, hard, hardened, hardhearted, heathen, high-camp, homely, homespun, hoodwinked, hooligan, ignoramus, ill-bred fellow, ill-educated, illiterate, impervious, indurated, insensitive, inured, kitschy, led astray, looby, lout, low fellow, lowbrow, low-camp, material, materialist, materialistic, methodologist, Middle American, middlebrow, middle-class type, misinformed, misinstructed, mistaught, model child, mucker, mundane, narrow-minded, nonintellectual, nouveau riche, ordinary, organization man, pachydermatous, pagan, parrot, parvenu, peasant, pedant, perfectionist, plastic person, plebeian, pop, popular, precisian, precisianist, profane, proof against, prosaic, public, ribald, rough, roughneck, rowdy, rude, ruffian, secular, sheep, square, steeled against, steely, stony, tasteless, teenybopper, temporal, terrestrial, thick-skinned, trimmer, unbooked, unbookish, unbooklearned, unbriefed, uncultivated, uncultured, unedified, uneducated, unenlightened, unerudite, unguided, uninstructed, unintellectual, unlearned, unlettered, unliterary, unread, unrefined, unscholarly, unschooled, unspiritual, unstudious, untaught, untutored, upstart, vernacular, vulgarian, vulgarist, worldly, yahoo, yes-man, yokel