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Meaning of MONOLITH

Pronunciation:  'mânulith

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a single great stone (often in the form of a column or obelisk)
 See Also: stone



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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Mon"o*lith\, n. [F. monolithe, L. monolithus
consisting of a single stone, Gr. ?; ? single + ? stone.]
A single stone, especially one of large size, shaped into a
pillar, statue, or monument.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aa, abyssal rock, arch, barrow, basalt, bedrock, block lava, boundary stone, brash, brass, breccia, bust, cairn, cenotaph, column, conglomerate, crag, cromlech, cross, cup, cyclolith, dolmen, druid stone, festooned pahoehoe, footstone, gneiss, granite, grave, gravestone, headstone, hoarstone, igneous rock, inscription, lava, limestone, living rock, magma, mantlerock, marker, mausoleum, megalith, memento, memorial, memorial arch, memorial column, memorial statue, memorial stone, menhir, metamorphic rock, monument, mound, necrology, obelisk, obituary, pahoehoe, pillar, pillow lava, plaque, porphyry, prize, pudding stone, pyramid, regolith, reliquary, remembrance, ribbon, rock, ropy lava, rostral column, rubble, rubblestone, sandstone, sarsen, schist, scoria, scree, sedimentary rock, shaft, shelly pahoehoe, shrine, stela, stone, stupa, tablet, talus, testimonial, tomb, tombstone, tope, trophy, tufa, tuff