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Meaning of IN THE WIND

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: about to be, accidental, accompanying, ado, afloat, afoot, against the wind, already in sight, approaching, at hand, brewing, by the wind, circumstantial, close, close at hand, coming, current, doing, eventuating, forthcoming, future, gathering, going on, going to happen, happening, head to wind, immediate, imminent, impendent, impending, in danger imminent, in hand, in prospect, in reserve, in store, in the cards, in the offing, in view, incidental, instant, into the wind, looming, lowering, lurking, menacing, near, near at hand, nearing, occasional, occurring, on, on foot, on the horizon, on the wind, ongoing, overhanging, passing, preparing, prevailing, prevalent, resultant, taking place, that will be, threatening, to come, under way, up the wind, upcoming, waiting



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