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Pronunciation:  'heerow'wurship

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  admiration for great men (or their memory)
  2. [v]  love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol; "Many teenagers idolized the Beatles"
 Synonyms: idolise, idolize, revere, worship
 See Also: admiration, adore, drool over, esteem, slobber over



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accolade, accord respect to, admiration, admire, adoration, adore, adulate, adulation, affection, agape, Amor, animal worship, apotheosis, apotheosize, appreciate, appreciation, approbation, approval, ardency, ardor, attachment, awe, belaud, bepraise, bepraisement, bless, blow up, boast of, bodily love, brag about, breathless adoration, brotherly love, caritas, celebrate, charity, Christian love, congratulation, conjugal love, consideration, courtesy, cry up, defer to, deference, deification, deify, demonism, demonolatry, desire, devil worship, devotion, Druidism, duty, eloge, emblazon, encomium, entertain respect for, Eros, esteem, estimation, eulogium, eulogize, eulogy, exaggerated respect, exalt, exaltation, excessive praise, extol, faithful love, fancy, favor, fervor, fetishism, fire worship, flame, flatter, flattery, fondness, free love, free-lovism, glorification, glorify, glory, great respect, heart, heathenism, high regard, hold in esteem, hold in reverence, homage, hommage, honor, iconoduly, iconolatry, idol worship, idolatrousness, idolatry, idolism, idolization, idolize, idolizing, idolodulia, idolomancy, image worship, kudos, lasciviousness, laud, laudation, libido, like, liking, lionize, lionizing, look up to, love, lovemaking, magnification, magnify, make much of, married love, meed of praise, overpraise, paean, paganism, panegyric, panegyrize, Parsiism, passion, pay tribute, phallic worship, phallicism, physical love, Platonic love, popular regard, popularity, porter aux nues, praise, prestige, prize, puff, puff up, pyrolatry, regard, respect, revere, reverence, reverential regard, Sabaism, salute, sentiment, sex, sexual love, shine, snake worship, spiritual love, star worship, sun worship, tender feeling, tender passion, think highly of, think much of, think well of, tree worship, tribute, truelove, trumpet, uxoriousness, value, venerate, veneration, weakness, worship, yearning, Zoroastrianism