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Meaning of GOOD ENOUGH

Pronunciation:  gûd i'nuf

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [adj]  adequately good for the circumstances; "if it's good enough for you it's good enough for me"
 Synonyms: good



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: absolutely, acceptable, adequate, admissible, agreeable, all right, alright, alrighty, amen, ample, as you say, assuredly, aye, barely sufficient, better than nothing, by all means, certainly, commensurate, competent, corresponding, da, decent, due, enough, equal to, exactly, fair, fairish, fine, fit, good, goodish, hear, indeed, indeedy, ja, just so, mais oui, minimal, minimum, moderate, most assuredly, naturally, naturellement, not amiss, not bad, not half bad, not so bad, of course, OK, okay, oui, passable, plenty, plenty good enough, positively, precisely, presentable, pretty good, proportionate, quite, rather, really, respectable, right, righto, Roger, satisfactory, substantial, sufficient, sufficient for, sufficing, suitable, sure, sure thing, surely, tenable, tidy, to be sure, tolerable, truly, unexceptionable, unobjectionable, up to, very well, viable, well and good, why yes, workmanlike, yea, yeah, yep, yes, yes indeed, yes indeedy, yes sir, yes sirree