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Meaning of EXPERTISE

Pronunciation:  `ekspur'teez

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  skillfulness by virtue of possessing special knowledge
 Synonyms: expertness
 See Also: professionalism, skillfulness, sophistication



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: ability, acquaintance, address, adeptness, adroitness, aesthetics, airmanship, all-knowingness, art, artfulness, artisanship, artistic taste, artistry, bravura, brilliance, capability, capacity, cleverness, command, competence, connoisseurship, control, coordination, corpus, craft, craftsmanship, cross-disciplinary knowledge, cunning, data, datum, deep knowledge, deftness, dexterity, dexterousness, dextrousness, dilettantism, diplomacy, efficiency, encyclopedic knowledge, epicureanism, epicurism, experience, expertism, expertness, extensive knowledge, facility, facts, factual base, familiarity, finesse, friandise, gastronomy, general knowledge, grace, grip, handiness, horsemanship, information, ingeniousness, ingenuity, intelligence, intimacy, judgement, ken, knack, know-how, knowing, knowledge, marksmanship, mastership, mastery, omniscience, pansophy, polyhistory, polymathy, practical ability, practical knowledge, private knowledge, privity, proficiency, profound knowledge, prowess, quickness, ratio cognoscendi, readiness, resource, resourcefulness, savoir-faire, savvy, seamanship, self-knowledge, skill, skillfulness, special knowledge, style, tact, tactfulness, technic, technical brilliance, technical mastery, technical skill, technics, technique, timing, virtu, virtuosity, wit, wizardry, workmanship