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Meaning of COPE WITH

Pronunciation:  kowp with

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [v]  satisfy or fulfill; "meet a need"; "this job doesn't match my dreams"
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 Synonyms: match, meet
 See Also: contend, cope, deal, get by, grapple, make do, make out, manage



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: a outrance, accomplish, act toward, bandy with, battle, battle it out, behave toward, bump heads, care for, complete, conduct, contend with, cross swords with, deal by, deal with, discharge, dispatch, dispose of, do by, do with, enact, engage with, exchange shots, execute, fight like devils, fight with, go to loggerheads, grapple with, handle, have it out, lock horns, make, manage, measure swords with, perform, respond to, settle it, steward, strive with, struggle with, take care of, tangle with, tilt with, transact, treat, try conclusions with, use, wrestle with