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CHARTREUSE: Dictionary Entry and Meaning

Pronunciation:  shâr'trooz

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a shade of green tinged with yellow
  2. [n]  aromatic green or yellow liqueur flavored with orange peel and hyssop and peppermint; made at monastery near Grenoble France
  3. [adj]  having the yellowish green color of Chartreuse liqueur
 Synonyms: chromatic, Paris green, pea green, yellow green, yellowish green
 See Also: cordial, green, greenness, hyssop oil, liqueur, viridity



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Char`treuse"\, n. [F.]
1. A Carthusian monastery; esp. La Grande Chartreuse, mother
   house of the order, in the mountains near Grenoble,
2. An alcoholic cordial, distilled from aromatic herbs; --
   made at La Grande Chartreuse.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aestival, beryl-green, berylline, blue-green, bluish-green, chloranemic, chlorine, chlorotic, citrine, citrinous, emerald, foliaged, glaucescent, glaucous, glaucous-green, grassy, green, green as grass, green-blue, greenish, greenish-blue, greenish-yellow, greensick, holly, ivy, ivy-green, leafy, leaved, olivaceous, olive, olive-green, porraceous, smaragdine, springlike, summerlike, summery, verdant, verdurous, vernal, vernant, vert, virescent, yellowish-green